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PPC | PAID SEARCH | AI | Does generative AI save time in PPC? Unpack the benefits and limitations of using generative AI in PPC and how to leverage it to streamline your workflow.

Article by Sarah Stemen

Generative AI is a game changer for PPC marketers, offering a multitude of unique applications. Since ChatGPT’s release, AI has become a hot topic of discussion. 

But can generative AI be used to save time, or is it just another tool that adds noise to our workflows?

This article will explore the potential time-saving benefits of generative AI in PPC and cover how we can use the technology to our advantage.

How generative AI can streamline PPC tasks

Generative AI offers PPC professionals endless time-saving opportunities, particularly in the following use cases.

Keyword segmentation

A common task in PPC is segmenting keywords into distinct ad groups. AI chatbot tools can streamline this process, swiftly handling lists of 1000s of keywords. 

You can generate results in seconds with a simple prompt, saving hours otherwise spent on semantic keyword grouping.

Ad copy creation

With the introduction of RSA ads, advertisers need to write 15 headlines and 4 descriptions. Coming up with unique ideas can be quite time-consuming, especially when this task needs to be repeated over 20 to 30 different ad groups. 

Using AI chatbots, this task can be done much faster, eliminating the brainstorming time needed to come up with different variations for each ad.

Streamlining communication

For paid search experts, effective communication and thought leadership is as important as building campaigns that drive business growth. Generative AI can streamline communication.

Most people who have worked with experts understand the challenge of explaining PPC topics to those who are not subject matter experts. Emails are more effective when they are concise and easy to read. 

Using AI to craft succinct emails for executives has been a time-saver for PPC professionals who find it challenging to simplify complex responses.

Automated reporting

Generative AI can automate the creation of performance reports, highlighting key metrics and insights. This allows PPC managers to focus on interpreting the data and making strategic decisions rather than spending hours compiling reports.

Predictive analytics

AI-powered tools can analyze historical data and make predictions about future performance, helping PPC marketers make more informed decisions.

This saves time and resources that would otherwise be spent manually analyzing data. One such tool in Google Ads is the Performance Planner.



PPC Consultant London, Google AdWords Consultant London, PPC Specialist London, AdWords Specialist London

Original article by Sarah Stemen on

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